Saudi Arabia: Friends and home life

I have not been able to take many photos of friends: I socialised mostly with women, and in many cases photography was not appropriate. So these photos are a random selection of some of the nice people I have met here.

In our minibus, on the way to work. Since women can't drive here, we were dependent on transportation like this, and on friends. Here Sousan, Nelly and Linda.

Here Sousan and I.

Here after one of the night dives with Horst, a German man who turned out to be an excellent dive buddy. The night dives are very good here, because of the good visibility and all the strong coral colours, even close by the beach. And it is nice and warm when one resurfaces! This one time we had a dinner in a fish restaurant close to the dive site, and the whole place was divided into these small huts. Once again, I was reminded how much the Saudi's like their privacy. They served the best grilled fish I have had in a long while. I felt a little guilty eating that beautiful grouper, after having seen a few just like him live, in their full colours. But he tasted delicious!

Every morning the gardeners at the compound collected big piles of flower petals -- these pink flowers were everywhere. On the second photo, a take-out mutabbaq.


Dates are a central part of the diet here. Well, a delicious part, at least. Most shops have a good selection, offering often more than ten different kinds of dates. In the old Jeddah there are shops that sell dates by the bucket, and the buckets range from small to big enough to keep an army well fed for a month, from what I know about the calory content of dates. There are also specialist delicatessen shops for dates. This photo is from our local supermarket, a relatively small one by local standards.

Nelly's boys, Kevin and Chris, at the compound. They made sure I was fed properly, making their mum invite me for delicious dinners all the time. Nelly's home was my "home away from home" in the KSA.

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Silvija Seres, 12 April 2002