December 2003, Bali: Monkey Forest

Monkeys can be seen in most temples, demanding peanuts, as well as in several of the forests. These photos are from the Monkey Forest Temple close to Ubud.


They like sweet potatoes and apples, but they just *love* biscuits. Andreas almost got in trouble, and they wouldn't leave his backpack alone after they learned that he had the goodies.


They also seemed to like to like Andreas' shiny watch, while my favourite monkey was determided to open my necklace. They weren't aggressive, though. We sat there for almost an hour, and they kept doing silly things to entertain themselves and, as a side effect, make us laugh.

The island doesn't have tigers any more, but there are plently of stray dogs instead. Other wild animals include bats and lizards, parrots and white herons.

The small cream colored cecaks seem to inhabit the walls of most hotel rooms, and the larger colorful geckos contribute to the charming night cacophony in the gardens with its loud "geck-oh" call. The evening chorus of frogs has also amazed us when we stayed in places close to any water. We also befriended a beautiful big white parrot, who could talk quite comprehensively, and who was so intent on keeping our company that he would not let my finger go, however many cookies and nuts Andreas tried to tempt him with.

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Silvija Seres, January 2004